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Dr. Rayan Damaj
My child Elie 14 years old is walking with no straight shoulder like an old man!!!!! What should I do,can he wear a corset or he should see a doctor?????
Dr. Rayan Damaj, Pediatrics - Ok so this is a common complaint in Lebanon expecially because of the heavy bags children carry He should go to orthopedist to do xrays see if he has scoliosis and if only angle is above a certain amo... Read More
ما مدى خطورة تسرع القلب لدى الأطفال وكيف يمكن علاجه؟
Dr. Rayan Damaj, Pediatrics - ترع القلب لدى الأطفال يصنف بطريقة مختلفة فاذا كان معدل دقات قلب الطفل 180 يعتبر ذلك طبيعي لعمره. الكثير من العوامل الغير مرتبطة بالقلب قد تؤدي الى تسرع القلب مثل ارتفاع درجة الحرارة والتوتر والأدوية و... Read More
When can a baby start eating solid food?
Dr. Rayan Damaj, Pediatrics - Ok so at 4 months, you can start introducing puree foods tips always start with vegetables because if you start with fruits, the baby will like the sugar in them and not accept reject his veggies. Nex... Read More
How dangerous is tachycardia on a baby and how can it be treated?
Dr. Rayan Damaj, Pediatrics - Tachycardia is defined differently in babies heart rate 180 can be normal for age. Alot of factors can contribute to tachycardia not just cardiac,such as fever pain, anxiety, medications, anemia Then ... Read More
About Dr. Rayan Damaj
Graduated as an MD from Balamand University
Based in Beirut, Lebanon