Hi Depuis 2 semain j ai douleur o niveau d 1 vertebre dorsale, un peu au dessus de soutien-gorge. La douleur est presente lorsque je bouge la tete a droit. c'est grave??quoi faire. Merci
Dr. Salim Saab,
Otolaryngology (Ent)
- It is probably muscular pain, usually it's not a serious condition. An MRI must be done anyways to determine the source of the pain.
40 yrs old male - What's the main cause of Algodystrophie (Sudeck Atrophy)? What's its best treatment. I got this atrophy 6 years ago, yet i usually suffer from pain while walking. Thank you
Dr. Jean Esso,
- Sudeck's atrophy involves a disturbance in the nervous system. Often, there is pain, as well as swelling and disability, associated with skin temperature changes over the affected area. It may oc... Read More