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Mon pere de 50 ans s'est leve le matin avec 2 taches de 15cm de longeur et 3 cm de largeur sur les pieds. Ca a l'air d'etre du sang sous la peau. Pas de douleur ni de renflement. C'est quoi alors?
Dr. Jihad Irani, Family Medicine - Si c'est du sang "sous la peau", il faut chercher une raison pourquoi il l'a eu. Une des raisons est la prise de médicaments anti-coagulants. Dans la majorité des cas... Read More
When brushing teeth for adults and toddlers, we rinse mouth with tap water which is filled with bacteria. Are we supposed to rinse with drinking water?
Dr. Roland Feghali, Dentistry - It depends what water you use at home and if some sort of filtration is available. You can be safer with bottled water, or you can rinse with tap water but finish it by gargling with an antiseptic mou... Read More
On brushing teeth twice or three times a day: Can toothpaste be harmful to the teeth? Is there any alternative?
4 Answers
Dr. Salim Saab, Otolaryngology (Ent) - you can brush your teeh 3 times a day soft brush electrical de preference 3 minutes duration and flossing
Iv been breastfeeding exclusivly for 2months. my baby eats every 3- 4h. i hv pain on one breast like a bruise feel. it goes away after 1-2 days. it occured 3 times in different side. I dont pump.
Dr. Rania Mousa, General Medicine - Mastitis is an infection of the breast tissue that results in breast pain, swelling, warmth and redness of the breast. If you have mastitis, you might also experience fever and chills. Mastitis most c... Read More
The skin aches like a bruise every intercourse and is located at the side of the opening.
Dr. Rania Mousa, General Medicine - SO ,still doesn't affect orgasm as a mechanism ,the g spot is inside the first third anterior wall of the vaginal canal ,not at the beginning of it . but if there is a pain while having intercour... Read More
Why do i wake up sometimes and have bruises on my knees without any reason ?
2 Answers
Dr. Salim Saab, Otolaryngology (Ent) - maybe there is a bleeding disorder blood tests must be done maybe hurting kneei in bed
My gf has anemia,and she gets small bruising everytime she does the thigh abductor exercise machine.Is this related to anemia or is it something else?and what should we do to prevent the bruising?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - Easy bruisability (the appearance of bruises upon the slightest trauma) is usually due to a low count of platelets (which are responsible for blood clotting) or other factors involved in blood clottin... Read More
Sometimes when I spit, the color is reddish. I try to spit several times & little blood is present in all of them. Is that normal? This happens in the mornings when I wake up before brushing my teeth.
Dr. Rania Mousa, General Medicine - Seeing blood in the saliva may be alarming to many people, but it may or may not be associated with a serious condition. One may be spitting blood, coughing out blood or even vomiting blood, and the c... Read More
A child bit me yesterday; the bite is getting bigger, red and blue. No blood was detected. I'm worried it could be something is serious. Nb: I can't take antibiotics.
Dr. Salim Saab, Otolaryngology (Ent) - We can take a specimen from the wound for sensitivity. It seems that the teeth injured a blood vessel which gave your wound the colour red and blue. Cleanse the wound and put antibiotic ointment and d... Read More